02 June 2010


my apologies for absence in blog world. thank you for talking me off the ledge in my last post, my inner perfectionist is extremely high maintenance. she is practicing accepting things as they are presented to her.
she did maker herself a post trip salad to make herself feel better.
promptly took myself to the grocery store when i got home: spinach, broccoli, onion, red pepper, carrots, avocado, artichokes, & bbq. fstg multigrain chips + sabra roasted garlicc
just one big delicious mess.

happy wednesday---currently i'm working the real world & finals game. took 2 today. 1 friday. 1 tuesday.
& of course my allergies have decided to start acting up this week. i've been spending a lot of time whining/tweeting about them.
attempting to study at a cute cafe. praying the tropical fruit tart larabar & ceylon iced tea fix my nose.

tomorrow shall be an interesting day...i've got an appointment in the morning so i'm heading home tonight, all i want to say is please think of me tomorrow morning :)
apricot love. ridiculous.

what is your favorite fruit? 
me = fresh juicy pears.
are you good at feeling under the weather?
clearly i am not.


  1. oh yummy vegetables!
    isn't it funny how much more happy and healthy one can feel after eating a big, delicious salad?
    I hope you feel better quick!

  2. everything looks so delicious here! :)

  3. feel better soon..there is nothing worse than being sick :/ blah
    your salad looks delicious, though! that should make you feel better just looking at it :)

    my favorite fruit is most definitely a tie between apples/pears/blueberries..it's just too hard of a choice..


  4. girl you KNOW i'm thinking about you.

    good luck, let me know how it goes <3

  5. i <3 you!

    baby fresh apricots are the best. i hope you feel better soon--i'm still over here sniffling :O good luck on those finals emz. and pleaseeee text me! i have my phone next to me all day @ the office!

    love, amy

  6. Sorry about the exams and allergies, girl. Those two things are definitely not on my list of favorites, and I hope your allergies clear up and that your exams go well.

    It's hard to say what my favorite fruit is because I love so many! Bananas, apples, strawberries, blueberries, peaches... I don't think I could choose just one, because I would miss all the rest.


  7. sorry you arent feeeling too well lovie, i am thinking of you <3 and i know how much allergies can suck i get the WOrst!! :/ hang in there beauty!
    my favorite fruit ahh that is the hardest question for me ;P becasue i have too many favs but i'll narrow it down lol...banana's fresh figs, raisins, dates, persimmons and cherries lol
    and i am not good at not feeling well, i am such a complainer ;P but i deal okay and try to take medicine and rest as much as i can!


  8. awe I hope you are feeling better <3 :D

    My favorite fruit are apples :D Pink Ladies, and Red Delicious. I also adore fresh figs. and super juicy pineapple. and berries <3

  9. raspberries (preferably self-picked from a garden) are actually my favorite food (after corn on the cob).
